Saturday, October 2, 2021

Wonderful Communication

 October 2, it is today. Indeed it is a Landmark Day in India. The day marks the birth anniversary of two of The Great Souls produced By Our motherland: Gandhi ji and Shastri ji. As every affiliation wants to own them solo, up and close was a dogfight, each group accusing the other of misunderstanding their legacy, falsifying it, and so on.

What I find remarkable about both of them, in addition to their famed virtues and values,  is their communication. Both of them are very effective communicaters.Look at Shastriji's clarion call," jay jawan, jay kisan". In simplest possible terms,  with a chant like effect, he encapsulated the vision and the priorities of his times most effectively, truthfully, and efficiently.

Gandhji's "chale jaon", too, had a mass appeal. In fact, I  would go a step ahead, and say that his actions were very communicative, too. His Dandi March, his khadi weaving on the charakha,his jail bharo agitation, through simple activities that can be easily followed, he gave an entire nation a self image that was very idealistic and yet rather realistic to live up to. Great communication indeed this is that has superb evocative and emotive value that can be translated in to concrete action by the average common man.

Just as they thus conquered all barriers to communication, both of them enriched the experience and the very process of connecting with the partner with a truly child like smile. Hence this tribute to their wonderful communication prowess.

Pratima@speak simple, true and  well, and thereby hangs a tale!

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