Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Hero Worship

 They say the character of a person, a community, nay, a country is revealed through its role models. A role model is both, the actual person and his/her perceived qualities. It is we who perceive the qualities in a role model.Hence our role models are a mirror to us.

Who are the role models of the Indian youth? We talk of our demographic dividend with a lot of pride. But who do they look up to? Great thinkers, scientists, superb intellectuals, wonderful doctors, engineers, professors?No, not at all, unfortunately! Obsessed as our nation is with politics, cinema and games, our  youth thinks of  "netas", actors and players as their idols! Of course, there are exceptions to this general rule that prove the rule, is not it? Hope you would agree with me!

Yet another aspect of this obsession is that it is the gossip about these that matters to the Young India. To cite an example, it is rarely that such " fans" would know the screenplay writer or a lyricist who actually make the "hero". They would, however, know the silliest trivia about the " hero".

As a result, there is a lot of vacuity in the public sphere which is positively dangerous. Time to start thinking how to soon overcome it, right?

Pratima@let my country in to that heaven of freedom awake!

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