Saturday, October 9, 2021

Make up mind!

 On the august occasion of, as any grand speechifying begins, the eve of the mental health day, let us forget these rituals, and straight come to the point. Mind, as Milton made us realise ages ago, can make hell of heaven and, heaven of hell.

In the post traumatic era of the pandemic that we collectively suffered, the importance of mental health matters the most. Especially, there are two groups that need a lot of psychological support as these two groups lack any control over the surrounding and surreal reality. These two groups are the very old and the very young, those above seventy and those below ten. Even when the new normal is settling in and the world is opening up not so slowly, these two groups are not exactly on the radar. 

Just as we need to make up our mind regarding these vulnerable groups, we need to improve our mental make up, too. So as the title today would suggest, we need to make our minds up to make up, make better our minds.

With the digital revolution in full swing,we are going to face many a cultural shocks. It is time to get ready for these. The methods could be a positive mindset that is not toxical-ly positive, that can accept the chinks in our armours, too.

We would have to learn to constantly de-learn, un-learn and re-learn. Sure, it is going to be tough, but we would have to learn to grin it and bear it. Yes, indeed, laughter is going to be the best medicine. 

In my opinion, yet another therapeutical tool could be constantly working at brain health. Luckily, new therapies are emerging even for a horror called Alzheimer's. In other words, the dark cloud of despair does have a hope filled outer edge, the famed silver lining.

Thus can we batter bots bettering us, fight mind warriors trying to gain total control, as shown in a film like Inception. Our unconscious, both of the individual as well as of the collective variety, has hidden layers of strength. Let us tap these . Be it yoga, oxygen therapy, water therapy, the method matters not, what majors is the peace of mind.Thus can we gain balance in times that are unhinged in multiple ways.

Pratima@attitude is all.

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