Saturday, October 30, 2021

Contact intact

 Online teaching is quite some adventure. Constantly one keeps worrying about the contact remaining intact. That proposition includes literally a hell...lot of things. Missing is the live contact with the students. Worrisome enough! Much worse is yet another contact or the lack thereof. For a teacher what can be worse than the lack of the live-ly touch of the real classroom, you are saying? Oh, yes, there is when it comes to online teaching. 

It happens to be the internet connect. Well, the connect with the students never breaks, if you are a good enough teacher and if at least half the class is sincere enough. Both these conditions are easy to fulfil. Even the digi-generation kids are genuine and sincere, despite the post-truth era they grew up in.

The internet connect, however, is a terror. It goes and comes, rather then the other way round.  Hidden inside are many a mystery. Why does the contact did (dis)appear? Why would the wifi not connect? If it does, which viruses would it carry along? Which programme would fail when, and how? Much More mysterious the maze is when compared to the hell itself!

I experienced both today. The internet was playing hide and seek even on the College premises. But the brand new batch never deserted the online classroom, despite the multiple interruptions till normalcy was restored across the campus. 

It is a wonderful feel when yet again a new batch revives your gut feelings as a teacher. Long live the lowly paid profession! Sure it would,  despite the mook/mock distractions! Lots of Joy emerges when such primal patterns emerge, and passionately!

Pratima@my heart leaps up when see I a good net@ teaching

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