Sunday, October 31, 2021

Trick or treat

 What must be the reason why a so-called progressive, modern country indulges in the Halloween? The proper Halloween parades are a procession full of traditional "brass band" troupes, an ancient black car with black balloons that the devil may indeed love as his dark chariot of the evil, beauties with pom-pom's, and their acrobatic performances. A customary, salutory throw back to traditions and native American culture.

Why does"foul is fair" sound so very attractive to the common American mindset? Are the seeds sown in history? Imagine the anxieties, fears and worries of the founding fathers who left the mother land, the European continent an ocean away to settle down in an totally unknown, different shore that must appear strange to them. As they started spreading westward, the very lie of the land, the very fauna and flora must have been threatening. May be, that fear, as ancient as the Salem witchcraft, tries to exorcise itself through the Halloween? Or is it an attempt to imitate the dark forces of Nature so as to app-ease them?

In 2020, however, the Corona virus has been playing 'trick', and the whole world had to be 'treat'ed. Was it the 'trick' of the Wuhan lab? Without any medical 'treat' for some time?!? Or was it the 'trick' of the pharmaceutical MNC's who 'treat'ed themselves to quite some mollah?Hope the dreaded 'third wave' plays no 'trick' so that life continues to 'treat' us normal!

Pratima@'treat' thyself and others fair so that natural/universal justice plays no 'trick' against thee!

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