Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The fault in our stars

 Whom to blame when things go, and as they often do, wrong? Even if human beings would love to, they cannot blame others. Oh, no, not because they are truly kind-hearted, and hate to blame others. No, not at all. Basically, this route is avoided because of the fear of retribution. 

A scapegoat, however, is necessary because very few human beings have the intellectual honesty to blame their own faults and/or mistakes. It is the stars that come handy in such sticky situations. It is oh so very convenient to thus shoo(t) out the poor stars, as they can hardly defend themselves against us or our faults.

Actually what can balls of helium/oxygen, and hydrogen, if any, do to human destinies, zillions of light years away as they are from us? With (such) distance grows the heart fonder, I suppose! Thus we find the fault in our stars.

As our dear Shakespeare asserted it some four hundred and fifty years ago, the fault, however, never lies in our stars. Mostly, it is us, our mistakes, our perceptions, our prejudices that go wrong, that create the mischief. Yes, the context is out of sync at times. An example could be the pandemic period. Most human beings were left homeless, rendered jobless, with death literally staring them in the face. Even then,  the pandemic was actually due to human errors  and mistakes, right?

Hence this intellectual/mental shake hand with the stars  that are us, in us, because in the blame game we pass on our frailties on to them. Long live stars, in all the meanings of 'long' indeed!

Pratima@ stars and planets/are trinkets/blamed for our faults/from afar  'bearing' the human taunts!

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