Saturday, October 16, 2021

Food Fashion

 Food fashion! Is the title right, is that your question? Oh, yes,it is, coz food is passion, and all that is passion is always fashion, a truth universally acknowledged! Like everything else under the sun, there are heaps and heaps of fashion feed, the ubiquitous chinese or Punjabi or South Indian, the rare like saffron Kashmiri, the exotic Thai or Mexican, the food fad Vegan, food fashions are truly tongue twisting.

We are what we eat. So says the great Bhagwad Geeta, too. It provides definitions of satvik, rajas and tamas food, and suggests that our food makes us, defines our personality. Even if one does not want to be oh so philosophical, one has to accept that undoubtedly food fashions us. 

One food fashion that never fades is ' ma ke hathon ka khana'. Senti it makes us all. Yet, most objectively, I would say that Aai ke hath ka khana was indeed other  worldly. Her finger tips had taste buds indeed. Why, she could make gourds, brinjals, okra veggies in to gourmet delights. Daily dishes to festival feasts, her preparations were yum yet in perfect quantity. Never ever did our fridge store left over's. 

"Anna", that is, 'food' is parbramha, was our parents' faith.We had to, hence, polish off the first serving of everything  in the plate. If that made us physically strong, her festive food, which all her relatives remember ever, tickled the taste buds. Papa saw to it that all seasonal fruits fed  our taste buds. All such servings were special, born(e) as they were of and with love. So this World Food Day, here is seeking blessings that we continue to be how the family food fashioned us, wholesome and healthy. Family feed is the intimate-n-ultimate food 'fashion'!

Pratima @food f(l)avours!

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