Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The birth of poetry

 "Ma nishadha: tvam", the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, but "relocated" in equally passionate words, is that poetry? Yes, would be the answer, if the Sanskrit "adi/adya  kavi" (the first ever). Valmiki whose "jayanti", birth anniversary is celebrated today,  is the Ur-alibi.

Let us look at that first ever Indian/Sanskrit. shloka. The story of its birth has all the poetic ingredients. The Happy pair of birds, the cranes (whose passion dance is a great beauty visually), the hunter's indifferent cruelty at casually killing one of the pair, in a way, his compulsive behaviour, given his daily needs, the hurt feelings of the wise sage, these being better and deepest coz the feel is not self directed, the birth of the "adya shloka" shows what a composite, unique  experience is poetry. 

Mother (in all the  senses of the term) of composition, poetry has a unique expression. Made of verbal and audio effects, syntactically unusual constructs,poetry is the perfect most expression of human soul. Long live poetry!

Pratima@let me feel at least one line of poetry!

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