Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Happiness Day

 March 20 is the world happiness day, it seems. So says the UNO. Better to follow it as life currently is quite a malaise. Just when we thought the pandemic is getting under control, the war exploded on the Russian front. While it is still not ready to recede, the next variant of the Covid & Co is already looming large on the horizon.

What exactly is happiness? Neuroscience would have us believe that it is a combo of hormones. Serotonin makes us feel confident, while dopamine boosts the pleasure principle. If oxytocin could be called the happiness hormone, norepinephrine is the energy booster.

Well, these brain waves need to be helped, too, so that they function better, right? Absolutely no need for any artificial stimulants such as drinks or drugs, the support system of the so-called 'cool' who are actually very weak as human brings. If  life itself cannot intoxicate them, how long will such artificial supports that, moreover, ruin their entire system.

Which then is the better way to be happy? I suppose it could be inculcating certain mental and psychological habits. The first and the best should be to learn from the past mistakes, accidents, misfortunes without forgetting that the present and the future are ours to make, unlike the 'gone forever' past that cannot anyways be rectified.

The next one should be not to constantly cosset oneself, instead count eternally one's blessings, one's plus points and the brownie points life is eternally offering. When we sum these up, we wonder why we were so sorry at all, right?

Next it is necessary to respect and care for one's support system. If your father, for example, has supported you like the pillar of strength, come what may, you, too, must nurture that companionship through positive thinking, through actual active participation in multiple aspects of life. Anyways, we get it just once, and if life has been kind to us so as to give us another shot at it, we must celebrate that second chance, very, very ,very rarely granted, in a happy way. Thus would we be luckier still.

I suppose, competing with one's own self by giving oneself small but sure tasks daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, so to say, adds purpose to life which gives a constant boost, too,  the moment you attain that small, little but sure goal you designed for yourself.

I think, reading, writing, listening to and making music and gardening add tremendously to our happiness. Technology is right now literally at our fingertips. We can use it positively to make small, meaningful films, documentaries, for instance, dividing the work properly into pre to post production. One can learn for  and thus  earn an online degree, too. 

The best source of happiness, however, has to be the best buddy, our pet, especially a dog. The total acceptance and profuse love a dog constantly offers without nary a complaint is sheer divine pleasure.

Just as a profession can give us monetary stability, if it is avocation, in addition, the cup of happiness can be brimming over full, I suppose. A hobby, too, could help as it could add to the sense of attainment. 

Well, multiple such possibilities are there at the individual level, and they can immensely add to our contentment level. Just once a day, for example, if we were to try, something outside our rough plan of/for the day, it can add the unique feel to the day, making it happier still. Making a cup of coffee with a unique flavour for parents or for  the partner can be an example. Their happy surprise would add to our happiness, too. Similarly, social concern makes us sensitised and hence happier.

In brief, mental exercise is as necessary as some physical exercise. Even acupressure and breathing exercises add to charge up our happiness and wellness quotient. In my opinion, however, real happiness is being grateful for this beautiful gift called life. Enjoying it creatively is the real contentment!

Pratima@ "so many, so many are my favourite things/when I am sad or down, I have to just remember these favourite things."

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