Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 The importance of water is seminal, and in all the aspects of the term 'seminal'. Water is both, for instance, liquid and centrally important. Water is indeed the base of our very being. All that is living, including a camel, requires water for existence and sustenance. 

We can live without,  sustain ourselves without food for days on end. We cannot live long without water though. "Water, water everywhere" is the need of humans, flora and fauna. No wonder, the U.N. decided to dedicate a day to it.

As it is, the potable water in our world is depleting dreadfully. It is due to the awful human behaviour that consists of polluting the natural water sources and the water beds every which way, be it the industrial effluents or the untreated sewage water.

Thus dies an entire 'eco system' in and under water. In this context, we must remember that human life began in and near water bodies, flourished near water sources. This IS an ecological as well as historical fact, absolutely undeniable. Today, however, having ignored it, we have invited on our heads the wrath of Nature.

The real scarcity of water currently, however, is in  our eyes that reflect our dried up hearts that are selfish in an obnoxious way. Can I say hence that the real unusual aspect of"The Kashmir Files"  lies in its generating an empathy amongst the audiences across the world? In the cinema halls all over the world‌, diverse audiences had tears in their eyes . There were, of course, the suffering Pandit's  themselves who wept, but the rest of the audience, too, was moved beyond words.

In my opinion, this film, I hope to see it soon, is successful because it did  not end in "entertainment, entertainment, entertainment" alone. It made everyone think anew, whatever be the debates. 

This empathy, shining in the eyes brimming with tears, can make our brittle wor(l)ds stronger. Otherwise, the multiple albatrosses around the human neck would make life a dead sea where there is "water, water everywhere/not a drop to drink."

Pratima@Let us keep small little water containers for birds, given the summer getting hotter by the day.

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