Saturday, March 5, 2022


 Is there any astrological influence indeed? Why is it then that nobody (as I have not read Nostradamus, I would not know about his 'revered' predictions) could foretell either the Corona caused pandemic or the Ukraine crisis?

Poor distant planets and stars! They rotate as per their given routes. Why blame them when actually people around are much much worse than all the saturn's, and all the other evil planets put together? 

Are marriages ever decided as per the planetary confluence? That is just a fig leaf. Most marriages are nothing  but a heinous trade(-off). Some parties sell themselves for an easy life, and, also, may be, because without the monies, their ambitions would not be 'affected', while the other half buy respectability, I suppose. 

Horribly garish - I saw two such eyesores recently- are the photos of such weddings. Sheer tinsel stuff it is. Absolutely in bad taste is the vulgar show-off of monies. When a camera zooms in on a jewellery box/item, not to miss the avid, greedy and gloating expression on the face of the person in question, especially the receiver, and the rudely proud, arrogantly smirky expression on the face  of the giver, one pities all the so-called 'rasm', the anyway empty rituals rendered further meaningless thus, which absolutely lose all their purity, sheen, beauty.

Do people influence each other or the poor distant planets and stars? If one is in the constant company of a crude person, would not that make a person crass, rather than some poor planet? 

Once I saw two lovely videos of how rhythmic, beautiful patterns are designed by the rotations of the planets. So vibrant were the patterns that I actually was ready to accept the medieval notion of the music universalis or the music of spheres.  Why blame such wonders for human vices and frailties? The huge telescopes are further exploring the wonders of more and more milky ways. Why blame these distant beauties for blemishes in human behaviour, right? Indeed, why 'make the sun, the moon, and stars guilty' of human prevarication?

Pratima @ "the fault is not in our stars, but in us".

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