Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Future Continuous

 It is such a great feel when the next generation achieves a milestone in life. It can be education, it can be career, but, I suppose, the real game changer is the marriage of your gen next, right? 

Why? Are you asking that question? Well, in my opinion, our kids are thus entering a new territory. It is an absolutely new continent they are exploring. Mind you, it is not only with the partner alone, though that indeed is the capital (in all senses of the term) region. 

It is a beautiful experience to see your small one exploring most pleasantly new relationships, lovely bonds, and it is such a pleasure to see someone you have always considered a little imp be so mature, and adult, and all!

It is, moreover, an unchartered territory of multiple bonds. A marriage gifts your little one so many new relatives and relationships, ready made at that. It is such a wonderful experience to feel a responsible adult emerge from the small kid who is finely negotiating new spaces, and, you know very well, is going to continue  shouldering newer responsibilities. A future continuous forever!

Pratima@ It is on such stellar occasions when you understand that you absolutely accept  Khaleel Gibran on children. Indeed they are the sun beams that promise a newer, brighter tomorrow.

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