Monday, March 7, 2022

An Armour anti Crime

 Yes, I do not mind owning it up. Well, yes, I do like to read detective stories. I adore Sherlock Holmes. On the one hand, it is an intelligent literary construction. Actually, the plot is so structured that if you are a brilliant observer, there is an Ariadne's thread, right at the beginning, unmistakable, glaring at you, and yet most often missed. The detective stories are an intellectual joy. Seeking the hidden is a superb skill and the detective stories, be it Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, and many such other literary giants, they provide a great conceptual adrenaline bottled in a smart presentation. 

Now a days, however, such stories and their dramatizations serve another purpose. We live in quite horrid times wherein foul is  vicious, sinful, horrid, and yet lacking subtlety. In great literature, there is superb depiction of villains and vamps, Iago, Gilbert Osmond, Madame Merle, to mention a few.

Unfortunately, however, the criminality now is complex in a dirty way, and yet quite in the face. Take any field, and this truth holds a mirror to our times. Hence watching such dramatisations is actually protecting oneself. These are not psychologically subtle,yet they have a behavioural truth. Knowing it is indeed an alternative source of energy!

Pratima@ Given the current culture of dishonesty, better to wear such an armour!

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