Sunday, March 6, 2022


 That video said a lot. The hurriedly called, secret meeting of the Ukraine politicos was on. Off the dais, but in focus was the president of Ukraine, Mr. Zelensky, getting himself a chair!

He is in the age group of world leaders like Mr. Justin Trudeau of Canada, Mr. Emannuel Macron of France, Ms. Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand. Unlike them, however, he comes to politics from the show business. Apparently, he was a stand-up comic.

Hence he would know the relevance of the 'bottom up' approach to the status quo, right? No wonder, he is so very comfortable in his skin. He can drag a chair for himself. Without standing on any ceremony, he can directly be with his soldiers on the war ravaged streets. He has the gumption to tell the Nato how the organization has betrayed Ukraine, with the mighty Russia in its backyard precisely because of the Nato issue.

Hope that such wisdom makes him a peacenik. It is very sad to have to read Kiev, Odessa, places one liked because one loves Russian literature and Eisenstein films, getting bombarded, destroyed, raized to dust heaps. Much worse is the imminent threat of the atomic war as an almost certain possibility. 

Hope Mr. Zelensky sees the ugliness of the black humour of the Ukrainian condition. Ditched by Nato (and, of course, the Big Bro, the U.S.) and attacked by the Elder Bro, Russia, Ukraine needs a peaceful, happy ending soon. Hope the erstwhile comic realises  that all that ends soon may end less tragically!

Pratima @As an act, war brings neither a laugh at the lips, nor a smile in the heart!

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