Wednesday, August 10, 2022


 Lord Byron! One of the most interesting poets writing during the Romantic era! He is not as well-known as the other four, the elder Coleridge/Wordsworth pair or the "gen next ", in all senses of this term, the Shelley/Keats duo. 

Byron has a very interesting comment to make on bigotry. He argues, "Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who  can not are fools; those who dare not are cowards ." Byron should indeed know.

Byron should know indeed! The unhappy facts of his personal life made a sensational story.  Judgements regarding his life were quite  rampant. Most of these were downright lies, and yet most all  of his contemporaries believed these to be the sacrosanct truth! That is bigotry for you!

That is  the problem. Very rarely is it found that you do not badmouth others. Otherwise, be it the family function or the society in general, you would carry on in " vicious" circles. 

Any solutions to such bigotry? One should cross check facts at the initial stage itself! Never open your mouth unless you know the absolute proof about the veracity or the mendacity of the report. Otherwise, it would be prejudice. Building bridges instead of walls is a must!

Pratima@"Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think," says Emma Goldman. Yes, indeed!

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