Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Getting the blues

 For August 15, given the Platinum Jubilee of the Indian Independence, i created a blog that listed the "ABC of the Idea of India: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly." It was quite okay, too. Well, it got deleted, and i do not know how. Yes, i must say that it indeed got me the blues. 

Well, i could have easily recreated it. I remembered it ad verbatim. Of course, that was not terribly difficult. Remember how Lokmanya Tilak and Savarkar recreated their great texts even when the British destroyed them during and/or immediately after the imprisonment? Compared to that, my task was sheer zilch.

I suffered a mix of incongruous feelings though. Firstly, i felt it was not worth it. Secondly, i felt irritated and depressed. It is not very pleasant to be constantly harassed directly and/or indirectly, even when you have not bothered anyone! Why, i do not even hit a mosquito or willy-nilly crush an ant.

However positive your thinking might be, such constant harassment and ill-treatment at times gets you the blues. It would, to anyone. Sure generally the harass masters must be getting those blues because you are not harassed despite their full-scale efforts!

Well, blue is actually my favourite most colour. I love all its shades. The only blue i am not comfortable with is the one associated with being in the doldrums. One cannot avoid it, however, when one is constantly harassed, ill-treated, bothered incessantly for absolutely no fault of yours, but due to some crazy whim of some despotic crackpot.

Why waste any time though due to such creeps? So, i am back to blogging, and soon I intend more. There is always light at the end of the tunnel!

Pratima@ If winter comes, can spring be far                       behind? 

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