Sunday, August 28, 2022

Why be victimised?

 How does one lead daily life when one is constantly targetted,  ill-treated, harassed, bothered, bullied by an unknown enemy without a face? That is the question. 

Well, what to do, for example, when after every half an hour some mobike, with the same horrendous blasting sound, zigzags past your home? Well, if questioned, such hypocritical fools would say that it is the public alley, and that would leave you red in the face. 

 What to do if some auto fellow would scream silly stuff while zooming fast past you or park the auto under a tree near your home, and keep on yaking endlessly? What if urchins going past your home loudly saying silly things, using some silly nickname? How to react when every activity of yours is watched/commented upon? I choose to plain ignore all such creeps because getting in to a fight with a pig makes you dirty, is what i believe strongly. 

Why throw a stone in to a muddy pool, and then grumble about getting dirty? So such silliness is what I laugh at.  What i am interested in knowing is the name of the stupid mastermind behind such cheap behaviour. 

I personally think the revolting person must be a sick fellow with a very weak self image full of all sorts of insecurities. Otherwise, he (most probably must be a he, though could be (ably helped by) equally silly, cheap and vapid she's) would dare a face to face confrontation, right?

When people have money, certainly not deserved, often ill-gotten, and lot of time,  given the loss of a meaningful profession, whatever could be the reason behind this lack, they would resort to such cheap behaviour, i suppose. Moreover, such people are hypocritically smart enough not to get caught themselves. 

Let me give a concrete example. They would take away all your chances in a very sneaky underhand way. They would also  have 'bought' 'friends' in the right places who can cook up paltry justifications. 

Suppose, a Head of the Department consciously takes away all the 'papers' you are good at as a literature student? Even then you manage teaching efficiently every 'paper' hurled at you. Atrocious lies, without batting an eyelid, is what such people and their minions come up with!

Imagine a Head of a Department screaming at you impossibly and in a childish way because students told you that the paper you teach has not reached them @an online exam as late as  twenty minutes after the beginning of the exam!

 Mind you, you are not even on campus, you are at least ten kilometres away from the venue, and some student calls you up, and informs you of the plight. So you call up the Head, and, voila, there is an outburst that would make Vesuvius, Etna and Mount Fuji combined blush! 

You wonder later if all this was a trap you innocently walked into, not suspecting why the student called you up, and not the lady. May be, you were needed when this power-monger wanted your expertise as she would not be available due to her professional 'growth'. Now that she has managed it, or, may be, has a friend to promote,  if not the basic books in the library, such 'politricks' to make you  persona non grata! In such contexts, i always remember Snowball, and how even his memory was tarnished by a triumphant Napoleon.

Of course, such persons would not allow any discussion, would gossip about their own colleagues, and when out of sheer self protection, you try everything in a way to make every detail doubly sure, given their own departmental politics, she would crib about any help you might directly and/or indirectly ask for. Of course, in each batch, there would be rotten tomatoes who would know how to lick the feet of these powers that be, but they all forget that other students also happen to be studying the same course!

This wonder once barked at me because her permanent colleague would not take the regular Saturday lecture, and so i conducted an extra lecture with her proper permission. There was some misunderstanding at their own level. She chose to scream at me, acidic messages and all, too 

Yet another area, especially with online lectures, would be how you gently introduce the material once the mechanism has settled down. There would be snide remarks  about the ability to use a computer platform, a skill anyone, even a child,  can develop after enough exposure, right?

 Rather funny because such wonders would not even properly complete their own portions, and batch after batch would tell you about it. You, of course, choose to completely ignore it as it is none of your business anyways. There would be the designated authorities to look in to such and/or financial irregularities, right?

Wonder of wonders is that these very people would eternally yak, yak and yak about bigotry, openness, democracy, liberal space, idea of everything under the sun, etc etc etc even when they themselves are "the" best examples of autocracy, fascism, 'gobbels'-y gobbledygook.  

Given their networking, oh, yes, rather 'eco system', they can spread their 'narrative', a mishmash of the meanest lies. They can accuse you of an identity you never had. They love to spread rumours about your character. May be, because theirs is nothing to write home about!

At a literary meet, they would want to discuss the very theme you elaborated in a way that was appreciated by listeners from three different universities. You cannot even question it as the powerful person, quite lawfully, mind you, wants to comment on it, too! So what if  in between a few months have already passed by!

Personally my strategy has been not to don a victim card. So i completely ignore such stupid wickedness-es. If such people were not so good at hiding, one could have openly confronted them at least. But how would they have at least the courage of their viciousness, given the  'binary' 'lack' of convictions? 

Believe me, you can have versions of such sadists amongst your so-called relatives, too! So the best way is to laugh at it, and leave it! There is justice in this universe after all!

Remember,  Orwell's 1984? O'Brien tells  Winston that the best image of power is a huge boot crushing a human face. I suppose, the only care you can take is never be under such contraptions!

At such times, I actually feel that people who get death threats openly are much better off. Lucky chappies, they are provided police protection, you see! You cannot even think of it given the facelessness of the victimiser. Laugh at it, and leave it as all this conscious harassment is abundant comedy free of cost!

Pratima@ Sadists are to be laughed at, and pitied! Poor things, they must have suffered a very sad past. In fact, they are paying you a huge compliment as they are externalising their weaknesses by targetting you! 

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