Tuesday, August 9, 2022


 You love cats or you hate them. You cannot remain indifferent to them. Wondering why all these thoughts on cats today? Well, yesterday was the cats' day.

We had a cat once. Well, she entered our lives quite accidentally. A stray cat just left her helpless, and hapless, too, kitten at our place. The kitten was not even a week old. She could not even open her eyes. She was that small and fragile.

The only options open to us were either you keep her and care for her or you let her die. It was but obvious that i would not be able to choose the second option. Aai chose to tolerate my decision and thus Manu entered our life.

Countless memories. She loved, for example, to nestle next to Aai, purring away to glory. At times, she would thus enjoy a quickie of a nap. Most often though, she used that perch to stare at her own reflection in the mirror.

For about six months of her little life, she did not know anything about any actual cat. She had assimilated herself so much in to our lives. She shared every little skill acquisition of hers with us. She wanted a special petti g on such occasions.

She led a very structured life according to her daily schedule, and she never  faltered at any step while following it. And, yet, daily she learnt something new. Why, she could almost talk, too. Once given the PG orals, i reached home late. She always used to sit like a statue in marble, given her colour mix, waiting for me. 

The day i was late due to orals, she would not let me enter the  premises. For about five to ten minutes, at the gate itself, she made so many sounds as if she were scolding me, demanding explanation about the delay, so to say.

Given such perfect bond, as if she were the best buddy, difficult it was to understand her last desparate behaviour. Well, better to always remember the happy times with her. All these memories coz of the cats' day!

Pratima@ Cats choose us, we do not own                            them. That is the folk wisdom.                            How absolutely true!

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