Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The night hours

 I am a very night person. I love to keep awake, and quietly read, write, listen to music, and so on. Indeed there is something special, unique about the late night hours.

The whole world is asleep, and with it, all the cheap meannesses, all the selfish self obsessions, all the vacuous cruelties, everything is suspended at least for some time.

There is a total quietitude and purity to the times so much so that you can hear your own breath if you wish to. In my opinion, the concentration can be total thus. In the urban contexts, one does not get to see the stars literally. Yet, at night, it is a great feel that stars keep you company.

Well, Aai-Papa always insisted that the Brahma muhurt is the best. Why, Aai passed away at the Brahma muhurt itself, at about 4.30 in the morning.

In my opinion, when the morning enters the day, it has its own unique hustle-bustle. Even at 4.40ish, you can hear the morning walk wallas, the milk and newspaper vendors, for instance. 

Each to his own, of course. Raju is downright irritated if i stay up late, for instance. As for me, i do not mind the dark circles etc, etc. I love my (k)night hours!

Pratima@ "Night is a world lit by itself," says                       Antonio Porschia. Absolutely                              agreed!

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