Sunday, August 21, 2022

The Password Woes

 The password woes are truly worrisome. Passwords indeed pose a problem, most of you would agree with me, i suppose. Let me count the reasons, to quote Maria of "The Sound of Music".

Well, for one thing, one has to remember one too many, and that is absolutely bothersome. The mobile, the laptop, the wifi, the e-mail, the online bank accounts, the debit cards, the list is endless. In "smart" buildings, the swanky glass doors, too, are password protected! 

Much worse is the issue of designing one! As it is, the all pervasive and all mighty algorithms can guess your password anyhow.  It is sheer boredom to re-assign one each time Google "finds a suspicious activity" @ your e-mail account, for instance.

Of course, given the proliferation of cybercrimes, nobody is a nincompoop to have the basic numerals, 123456, as the password even for simple official online activities. Anyways, you have to often share such passwords. No use hence designing them with "a capital, a*, a # @ of eight characters" etc, etc.

Passwords, in brief, are more a boredom than a protection. At times, i also wonder if  anyone at all finds us so  blazingly radical and/or so filthy rich as to surreptitiously find out our activities even when the technology is already quite some Big Brother!

What would happen, one wonders, when the Digital Revolution, 4.0 or 5.0 as per the different designations thereof, is let loose full scale? Imagine if your personal robot has been assigned a password, and you forget it!

Thank God hence that human beings and humane relationships do not need any other passwords except love, concern and genuine understanding!

Pratima@ Says Clifford Stole, "Treat your                            password like your toothbrush.                          Don't let anybody else use it, and                       get a new one every six months"!                       What an indentured labour                                  indeed!

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