Monday, August 29, 2022


 Since morning, and especially after 2 p.m., all the channels kept on harping only about the destruction of the Noida twin towers. The actual destruction was a site/sight that appeared gruesome, however efficient it may be, at least to me. Honestly, i could not understand the enthusiasm of the channels! The presenters were reciting the countdown as if it were some pleasant game!

Surely, it was not the countdown of a space shuttle, for instance. Undoubtedly it showcased the Indian super efficiency in this field, too. But what was there to gloat about? 

Oh, yes, i was also worried about the environmental side effects, especially given the 'capital' (in all senses if the term!) air quality. Delhi, moreover, is a seismically sensitive area. The Supreme Court in its superior wisdom sure would have taken cognizance of all these issues.

The flyovers in Pune, too, have been destroyed citing wrong construction. Sure when they were getting built, all sorts of permissions would have been granted. Why were the authorities negligent then, right in the beginning itself? How about the destruction of all sorts of resources when a built bridge is flattened?

Even in our daily lives, often there are many such destructions of images. When a sensitive poet or an intellectual editor unexpectedly, for example, is suddenly 'ageistic', directly and/or indirectly, the respect quotient dips, at least in my eyes as all of us are older than someone or the other, i believe. Is there a gendered underlining involved, too, i wonder. Of course, you choose to ignore the lingering doubt though it keeps on pricking your sensitivities, right?

Yet another mode of destructions of images is the fact that the smaller the area of their influence, their powers, more inflated are peoples' selves. Power seems to go to the head of people with some importance in a small unit. 

If one is a Head in a small college, one must remember, i believe , that in a city itself, there would be hundreds of colleges, not to mention, universities! What is there to give oneself airs about it, especially when in a college itself, there are so many departments!?!

Destructions galore we meet in real lives when, unprovoked, men call, and ask their bought minions, to call a woman "chudail", a "sali" etc etc etc just because she is not interested in the entire public "nautanki"!

Destructions vitiate the atmosphere every which way, in brief!

Pratima@ "A destruction, an annihilation that only man can provoke, it only a man can prevent," says Elie Wiesel. Absolutely!

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