Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Krishna Consciousness

 Now that it is the post-Covid period, all festivals would be celebrated on a grand scale for sure. The Gokulashtami festival is no exception to this obvious unspoken rule. In fact, the public functions are on yesterday onwards.

Well, what does the Krishna principle signify? For sure, as the much circulated wapp message goes, Krishna is sheer joy. Actually, throughout his life, he had to constantly give up on people and things he  loved. Right at the birth, he had to leave his parents, next he had to leave Nand-Yashoda, his foster parents, and so on went the wapp message, and yet he continues to face whatever life has to offer with a positive mindset. So said the much circulated wapp message.

I look at the Krishna principle slightly differently. Let me see if i can explain my idea of the Krishna message adequately. I think, on one level, he is constantly in search of affective bonds, and he maintains them at any cost. Let me see how well i can exemplify my statement. He is Yashoda's favourite son, and yet he continues to care for and respect Devaki. He is Radha's, and yet he is special for every gopika. 

In fact, he is so graceful in his relations with women that despite the aggressive Rukmini, he deeply cares for the soft Satyabhama, not to forget the sixteen thousand women whom he gives a socially acceptable status. I would say that for Draupadi, he is the best brother, protection personified.

I can provide countless such examples, Sudama being a well-known one.  The point i am trying to prove is that here is a godhead for whom devotion is through emotions. Generally the god-devotee relationship is spiritual, and hence rather abstract. Here is Krishna abiding by you through emotional bonds. Hence "Meera ke to Giridhar Gopal" is the reality. 

Yet another aspect of Krishna consciousness that i admire is that he leaves the choice to you. He does not impose his wisdom on you. When the Kurukshetra war is to begin, in a very fair and open way, he first asks, of all the people, Duryodhana  what he would like to choose, the vast army or his advice. Luckily, for Arjuna, Duryodhana is stupid enough to make a wrong choice. 

Let me give you another example. If you have read the Geeta very carefully, you would know that in the eighteenth chapter, he summarises the entire argument, and towards the end, he states "yathecchasi, tatha kuru", which can be loosely translated as "do what you want to". This freedom he allows Arjuna the devotee, the disciple, the friend to follow his heart is absolutely wondrous, especially after having taken immeasurable pains, in the midst of a war, moreover, to explain an entire way of thinking.

In my opinion, this openness of choice shows a great democratic force in the very idea of Indian philosophy. So it never dwindles down to mere religiosity in my opinion. It continues to be a way of thinking, of being, of becoming.

Finally, in my opinion, the Krishna Consciousness is embodied in the central message of the Geeta, " uddharet atmna", yet again a choice and the responsibility to carry it out to perfection, right?

In brief, my Krishna is a truly open, democratic consciousness that treats you equally, and stands by you while you try to bring your chosen destiny to fruition. 

This is the way we were brought up by our parents, too. Hence on this auspicious occasion, yet again a loving remembrance.

Pratima@ God never helps, who thus says?                       Within your choices, he forever                          stays!

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