Sunday, August 14, 2022

Who is a friend?

 The internet is full of these "defining" type of videos, right? You would find on the internet not only the "how to" videos, but "who is", "what are" uploads as well.

Saw, rather just unrolled in front of me, a lecture on 'who is a friend'. It made exactly three, but truly relevant, points.

The first one was that friends you party with, the friends you freak out with are not your friends. The lady called them weekend friends. I would call them fun fellows. They are just company, not friends.

Who is a friend then? Somebody who helps you grow, and in turn whom you help to grow, the instrctor intoned. The lady instructor insisted that such friendship does not require the constant 'siting' together. I would say such friendship is like a refrain in a song. They set the tone, they (re-)appear to give a set meaning and a defining  melody and rhythm to existence.

Such a friend will not always agree with you, will not support you when you do something wrong. In fact, a friend who knows you are doing/behaving/acting wrong and does not stop you is not a friend, though such a person could a hidden enemy for sure.  Such a friend would be like an ant attacking a piece of jaggery. Use and throw, if necessary, business.

The last point the lady made was that  the friends' mindset should be similar. I would say the wavelength should match. In her opinion, without fail, you become exactly like your constant company. As they say in Marathi, the good virtues may not, but surely the ugly vices do rub off. Evil has the tendency to influence subtly and strongly.  Wrong companionship, she asserted, makes us like them. Better to be avoided!

In other words, a friend in need may not always be the friend indeed. Rather, a friend who does well, means well, allows you only to do well is somebody with whom you could jell!

Pratima@ Us friends mend, not to hell us                         they send!

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