Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A joke or two

 This evening by sheer chance I came across a stand-up comedian who was mocking marital bliss, who was putting up for a huge laugh the husband-wife fights. He dissected the progress from "I love you" to "I told you (but whenever do you listen?!?)". Hence these three jokes.

१) A couple is strolling down a busy road. A beggar accosts them and says, "Hey, beauty, give a fiver to a blind man." The husband looks at his wife, gives the beggar a tenner. The wife is irritated, and asks, "Why are you wasting money just like that?" Pat comes the sharp answer. "Well, he sure is not pretending to be blind. Poor soul! Must indeed be helped."

2) It is pitch dark. The husband wakes up as he hears a hiss. He sees a deadly cobra near his wife's foot, about to bite her. "Oh, God, Poor cobra! Sure going to die in a second, " says he, and goes off to sleep, snoring aloud the next second.

3) It is a bright morning. The husband is sleepy still. The wife says, "Wake up fast". "Say something," snaps the husband, "that will make me get up." "Well, the whole night you were chatting away to glory with Sona Darling on the FB, right? That is my fake account on the FB.", the wife informs him as she rushes to the kitchen. The husband has not slept a wink since, they say.

Pratima@ Life is indeed a laugh riot!


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