Thursday, September 7, 2023

Unique is this tithi!

 The Shrawan Krushna Ashtami is indeed unique. Want to know why? This happens to be the tithi, the day according to the lunar calendar prevalent in India, when Lord Krishna and Sant Dnyandev were born.

Unique indeed are both of them. As the Bhakti Marg or the Bhakti Panth paves the path, let us follow it and proceed from the concrete to the abstract. So let us first appreciate the greatness of Sant Dnyaneshwar. 

In my opinion, he is literally everything a human being can ever be. He is a great poet, a superb philosopher, a wonderful thinker. He revived, in fact, initiated in a way, Marathi. He brought to the commonest man the great knowledge cooped up in impossible modes of  thinking and being. He changed thus the very social structure. Great every which way!

And all this when he was in his teens! He took samadhi  when he was just twenty-one! Yet his achievements are such that many people would need many lifetimes to attain one tenth of these! Worst of all is the fact that he was harassed like hell all along. Yet he survived, and in the most positive way possible, and in the process, energised  the  very society and its mode of thinking and being. Most motherly was his kind mode, moreover.

The brightest of the brilliant and the best of best he was. Yet he was treated worse than the worst. That never made him bitter though. Instead, he uplifted an entire way of thinking, living, being! He could make a dull animal recite the greatest Vedas to prove the unity of being. He thus lived the concepts, the precepts he preached. Simply superb!

Shri Krishna, too, is extremely interesting as a deity, a divine concept. Right from the moment he is born till his last breath, he has to constantly face utmost difficulties and the biggest problems. Horrible are the hurdles that are consciously created in his path, his own Mama trying to kill him as a baby, as a child, as a teenager. We all know the way his father ferried him across the Yamuna in spate, the Putana Mavashi, the Kaliya, and so on, and so on! Difficulties never cease for him.

Yet he never ever loses either his cool nor his smile. He knows, moreover, how to find a positive way out of an impossible situation. Forever creative in his thinking, he always manages to uplift every possible reject of each possible variety, animals to zealots!

Most importantly, he never wastes time fighting or answering back the vicious. He just lets himself be, does the best in the worst context, and thus wins life itself. His sense of humour and his love of life in all its forms never ever waver. Absolutely endearing and enriching concept of divinity, right?

Well, I can go on and on and on. Almost write a book on each of them, and yet not get done! Both of them, however, prioritised the best way. Better to follow them thus, right? Let both of them abide ever in our lives!

Pratima@Both of them always leave the choice open. They never impose any thought processes nor any compulsions of  so-called purity on anyone. May be, that is why these great souls appear comfortably adaptable to every shallow sect that hardly follows their spirit though!

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