Friday, September 15, 2023

Awesome AstitvA!

 Come September, and very many College/University campuses overflow with a longing. This yearning is for the pulsating BMCC campus that since end August is echoing with the verve of music and the rhythm of dance, with the power of words and the magic of pics-n-reels, all these and other arts echoing the distant but distinct drums of tradition and the Indian ethos. 

The youthful talents across and afar from Pune await being at the BMCC campus circa August-September 'coz, you guessed it right, annually around this time, there unfolds the unique, awesome AstitvA. 

Mood AstitvA, that recently celebrated its fourteenth avatar, is indeed unique. To begin with, it makes tradition trendy. It so celebrates Indianness that identity, the real significance of AstitvA, blooms insightfully in every event here.

The very nomenclature of the thirteen events establishes this uniqueness. AstitvA celebrates the youthful mastery in fields as diverse as Nrityalankar (dance, solo and group), Swaralankar (vocal music, solo and group), Vadyalankar (instrumental music), Shabdalankar (essay writing), Drishtikon (short film making), Clickathon (camera as the brush!), and Sanchpadika (treasure hunt), for instance. 

Such names add their own allure of exotic ethnicity that each event glorifies. The whole of AstitvA  in its entirety has a central theme (G20 this year) with each art-form underwriting its own unique sub-texts. This year, for example, the Swaralankar event celebrated the soulful mastery of Hridyaynath Mangeshkar and paid a tribute to the genius of A.R. Rahman.

Given such unique focus for each event, no wonder, even in today's era of the ChatGPT, hundred and twenty-five youngsters actually managed to think through and pen essays on themes as diverse as"G20", "Indian Soft Power", and "Digital Transformation". The BM indeed needs huge congratulations for making some hundred and twenty five students actually attempt the forgotten art of essay writing!

Such is the enthusiastic participation in the AstitvA events that the recently concluded edition boasted of more than two thousand participants in thirteen events. Most interestingly, many skills such as Mandala Art, for instance, were attempted both online and offline.

The BMCC pride, AstitvA, is so very viral because of the fair, impartial and objective quality of the evaluation. This year, the judges, as  usual, comprised a list of who's who in the art world of Pune. Shrirang Godbole, Rahul Ranade, Ramdas Palsule, Jatin Pandey and other such great names evaluated the entries at the primary and at the final levels, thereby adding authenticity to the entire event.

Equally revered are the chief guests who formally inaugurate the AstitvA at a glittering ceremony. Mohan Agashe this year, Rahul Deshpande, Subodh Bhave, Arti Ankalikar-Tikekar, Anand Bhate, the very names prove how awesome is the AstitvA allure.

If art comes, can social responsibility be far behind? The event supports an NGO entitled Seva Sahyog. The commerce and management students of the BM use this event to hone their business acumen as well. For two days hence the campus is abuzz with stalls of all sorts.

Actually, such student participation at the management level is the core strength of AstitvA. The event energises students' capacities and capabilities by making them run the entire show. Teachers sure guide them. The entire onus, however, of conceptualizing, designing and executing AstitvA events rests firmly on the young shoulders. Never ever do the these young stalwarts fail to impress all with their team spirit. 

No wonder, memories linger. Exactly a week ago, the very campus, but especially the Tata Hall and the Poonawala Hall, wore a glittering, ceremonial splendour. Pulsating with the youthful energy and creativity, the two days seemed to linger longer as if wishing that this good thing should never end. A week later, yet again begins the wait for the glorious, gorgeous AstitvA, the mark of the BMCC identity.

Pratima @ Bliss it was to be a part of AstitvA/And to be young, ah, that literally was heaven!

Says Pratima Agnihotri:

Even if you are not a blessed BMCCian,

Flagship Astitva would sure make you one!


  1. We are proud to be a part of AstitvA

  2. Yes, indeed! Who is this, if I may know.


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