Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Food Fares! (or Food Fair)?!?!

 Currently, the world nutrition week is on. Yes, food sure needs celebration. No, I am not going to quote the Bhagwad Geeta which describes in detail the process of "annad bhawati ..". In brief, though, I do admit that the equation between the food and the very being is quite ancient as any religious text can prove beyond doubt.

In fact, the world over-n-across, there is an obsession with food. Oh, no, I am not talking about the so-called " khau gallies" every two/three tier city, too, is brimming with. In fact, in mini metros like Pune proliferate so many eateries and "khau gallies" with dedicated foodie clientele that often people wonder if cooking food at home is no longer the norm nor the fashion/passion!

Beyond such taste-bud(die)s, on the menu, we have endless discussions of food. Books, articles, social sites, blogs, vlogs, YouTube, and so on are overflowing with debates and discussions regarding niche food, namely, food for brain, diet for arthritis, food to avoid any amnesia, dementia, Alzheimer's, sago-n-ragi for seniors, and so on. Oh, no, not to forget the food for furry friends!

Equally the rage is the cult food! Sects such as the Bramha Kumari gang have this fad about 'satvik' food that only their blessed prepare as pure. Actually, to put it mildly, it is so bland that its lack of taste can make anybody 'tamasik', and running fast toward some inn or a dhaba for a 'dabba'/lunch box!

Yet another craze (quite literally!) is the food for depression. Actually, along with a good brunch and dinner on time with a simple neurobion and a banana twice a day with a tall glass of an apple-cum-beet root-lemon juice should suffice! 

But chefs and psychologists must survive, too! So the boom of lazy bums, whose grandparents worked horribly hard so as to produce brilliant sons who would make lots of money so that GenX or Z or whatever can comfortably idle around, all along feeding on fad (actually, fab) food!

Indeed, currently nutrition week type Tedex Talk to shallow prattle about food is such a buzz that forget Chapter XVIII of the Bhagwad Geeta on three food types, most all so froth and salivate at the mouth that there is hardly any food for thought!

Pratima@Given such near total lack of fair brain fare, it is not wonder that farmlands are mere fodder for debates and riots!

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