Friday, September 1, 2023

The Dog Devotion

 The dog, in my opinion, is indeed god as the anagram (to be very specific, anadrome) of the word reads. There can never be any other animal that is as patient, tolerant, and yet deeply loving. A dog loves, believes the master from the heart, from its very soul.

A cat, too, loves from the soul, etc. A cat's love, however, is restricted only to herself, her comforts, her preferences, etc etc and etc as it is always she, she and she alone that matters the most. Absolutely self-centred a cat is. I should know!

 Despite our maid's protestations, she was of the opinion that I should throw the as yet blind kitten in the dustbin, I was firm that I would allow the kitten a fair chance at life even when her mother had abandoned her.

Aai was not exactly okay with that decision either. She let the kitten be though. Till the kitty turned a super healthy eight months old cat,  she was so used to us, her humans, that she was hugely surprised when she first saw a cat.

Thereafter it was her catty world though. She would allow me to pet her at her decided hour, and as much as she wanted. After the allotted time got over, she would just jump away. Why, she was even irritated with her own kittens if they bothered her a bit too much.

A dog, on the contrary, is selfless love. The owner may ill-treat him, not feed him on time, not bathe him, not take care of him, and yet the dog would continue to love the master. Even after months of extreme  crude and rude behaviour, one gentle caress or call from the master, he would limp and run to greet the master.

Does that mean that dogs lack self-respect? No way! A dog sulks like anything, is upset hugely if the crook of a cruel, heartless master ignores, disrespects, ill-treats him. Basically, however, he has too huge a heart and too gentle a soul to hold a grudge.  A dog is truly large-hearted, and forgiving. Almost like parents or generous siblings.

Dogs, therefore,  do deserve a day devoted and dedicated to this unique species. There is something noble about the animal that is reflected in literature as well, whether high-minded or populist. Remember Homer? Or the 'famous five' series, for that matter?

Here is wishing that human behaviour as human beings is more and more like a dog's, devoted and divine!

Pratima@Behave well with an animal. It would sure reciprocate, and a dog, the utmost.

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