Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Unique beauty

 We have lots of trees in the front yard and the back yard of our home. Some of these are fruit bearing trees such as a guava tree. Earlier we had an alphonso tree with lovely, tasty fruits. Papa had planted it. We had a papaya tree, a banana tree and a cluster fig (umber) tree.

Naturally seasonally there are many birds nesting in the small little garden. It is fun watching the different ways they build nests.  Some are neatly structured, while those by the pigeons and crows are quite a mess. 

Once quite near our main door, there was this beautiful little nest. It had three lovely blue eggs. The bird that guarded it was unusual, too. It was not the common mynah or the jaybird though now I realise that the eggs do look similar to those lovely blue  eggs. 

A hawk like big bird ( earlier, every evening a kite or two would perch on the topmost branch of the mango tree) was after the eggs. The three of us, especially me though, used to guard the nest and the mamma bird as much as we could, too.

Remembered all this because the nest, the bird were so very beautiful. Both, the bird and the nest, were different, and yet unique because simple, too. 

Quite symbolic I find this fact! Whatever is unique, different and yet simple and clean is finally more appealing than a conscious construct. May be, this fact holds true, especially of art. May be,  it could be especially relevant when we think of literature, may be, films, and, yes, music.

Sure, path breaking catalystic stuff initially may appear intriguing. It has its own inner  logic, too, like the Kumar Gandharva mode of music which so mesmerises that it becomes an obsession.

Art, like life, is unique, right? Simple at the surface yet with deeper layers complexly inter-woven to create a unique mosaic, right? Just like the waves at the sea shore, each unique, each different, and each inter-woven with the next and the earlier! That is the unique beauty of being, I suppose!

Pratima@Life is beautiful!

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