Saturday, September 30, 2023

Heart is where health is!

 Home is where the heart is, they used to say. Well, times have changed. So have (wo)men and mores. So have lifestyles. Most people follow food fads. Zero figure is only for the clothes size. The salary figure per month has to be six digit. When competition thus gets fixated, who has the time for health, right?

It is the poor heart that takes all the blame because traditionally heart is supposed to be the home of all emotional excesses. 'The head is willing, but the heart is wishful' has often been the typical traditional  tune! In our post-modern, AI-obsessed times, however, it is not the figurative heart that fails. It is that fistful, literally size-wise, organ, the heart, that refuses to stay fit.

The pumping stations of our bodies, our hearts are responsible for the supply of oxygenated blood to each organ, big or small. When stress, both of the physical and psychological variety, is much too much, the heart gives way, causing coronary concerns, be it a heart attack, be it a cardiac arrest or a heart failure.

 Our era has made diabetes and hypertension our best buddies. Enemies they are of the heart. Hence the need to take care of our life styles as the heart 'dis-ease' is not exactly friendly either to the patient or to his pocket.

How to live a heart-friendly life? I suppose, 'avoid  each and every excess' could be the key. These days, people mostly work hard, exercise hard, party hard, etc etc and etc! Hardship it causes for the heart. Better hence to live in moderation. Eat healthy food that is less oily. Drink enough water. Eat fruits and veggies. Excercise daily. Thus the arteries would remain unclogged.

That takes care of the physiology of the heart. As for the psychology part, read whatever you like. Develop and nurture a hobby, be it singing, playing an instrument, painting. Gardening, however, is the best because it takes you real close to Nature. 

True, friends are fewer these days. Family hence could be your emotional stay. Enjoy quality time often with the immediate family for whom 'forgive and forget' should be the mantra, I suppose. An excursion now and then could better the bond, I suppose.

'Lessen the worry quotient' should be our goal as worry hurries harassing the harried heart. Meditation, prayer, yoga whatever relaxes the heart (muscles) should be our art as happy heart maketh a healthy (wo)man!

Pratima@ Heart has reasons that reason knows nothing about, said the wise men of yesteryears. On this World Heart Day, our heart-nama  asserts that now-a-days heart has seasons whose reasons we should locate and correct, right?

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