Saturday, September 2, 2023

Cult Cruelties

 Sure you have heard of cults. Remember in Delhi (and there have been many such parallels, multiple such examples across the length and breadth of our country), an entire family believed that some "baba" , or some such creepy crazy control freak, talked to one of them, and an entire family was ruined, destroyed? 

Cults are indeed dangerous. How? Why? Well, to begin with, why is their communication secret? Mystique? Why is not it open like the very air we breath? Why is it necessary that their message does not jell with the humane decencies, normal practices?

Next, why do they need to deny the parallel established realities? Why the rejection of the simple joys of life? Why the belief  that they alone, their practices and rituals alone are pure? Is it not a new caste system? Why does a cult need to deny the mainstream realities? To build a parallel sultanate?

It is very interesting that such cults want their own empires. Obviously these are very much rooted, mired in money matters as well. A genuine prayer does not need any rituals. If the rituals of the established religion are a horror, how can the sick silly rituals of some sect be okay?

Sects take advantage of simple people, tired with the disappointments, difficulties and distresses of a tough life. Cults feed such sincere souls with ominous mumbo-jumbo such as 'the end of life is near', 'there is a flood of depression', et al kind of  sheer nonsense.

 For depression, there are very many non-chemical (shocks are given in shitty Bollywood films alone!) transformative therapies! And, yes, Nature has the power to regenerate itself, however much human-beings may  destroy it. 

Sovereign sects would not suggest such simple, creative, positive alternatives. Instead, they would use scientific sounding half truths, actually  falsehoods, which beguile the thinking power, the intelligence of the innocent. These sects, moreover, use subtle hypnotism. Their auto-suggestion mode is apparently very individualistic, highly personalised. That is deeply deceptive and dangerous.

Actually, being a devotee in a sect  is an addiction, too, almost as bad as drinks, doing drugs or silly computer games that flood the market. Such sects subtly control straightforward people who are either overcoming a trauma or are actually silently calling out for support and love.

Following a sect is, honestly, committing spiritual suicide. Everybody around must understand the subtle call for help of the so-called devotee. These devotees are a danger not only to themselves, but to the entire family and community.

The cult devotee mindset is no different from the mental state of a jihadi who has been so indoctrinated that he/she is ready to do anything to follow the orders of the supremo, however much the supremo and his minions ill-treat, debase the devotee, use him/her for all the donkey work!

Funny it is that the cult devotees would not do such duties at home, for the near and dear ones, for the extended family! Most uncritically, however, they would accept and practice any nonsense which they vehemently deny in the established religion. Actually, they are deceiving themselves. Or, may be, they are consciously choosing to be deceived!?!

Cults ARE cruel and crude control mechanisms. A human being must never ever give up on the thinking self . Suppose, a cult tells me that accepting Prasad is bad, then i must, not even deeply logically, but simply question why the cult is creating its own ways of its own Prasad, its own exclusionary rituals, right? 

Jihad of any variety, whatever nice name it may carry,  IS a horror, and must be avoided. A life simply and honestly lived is much better than  being a gilded but trapped bird who believes that it has flown out of, away from some  imaginary cage! Birds need neither cages, nor traps. The sky is indeed the limit, however small be the flight of delicate wings, and, yes, there is always a normal simple succour for every beak!

Pratima@"Following a cult is a nice way of saying that very few people like you," says Martin Muis!😀

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