Saturday, September 9, 2023

Twist, twist, twist-n-turn!

 Twist, twist, twist-n-turn, hold, twist,twist, twist-n-turn. Hey, what do you think I am up to? Practising the Samba or the zumba? Nope! No way! Well, I was just trying to give a beat to what the physiotherapists do day in, day out!

Yes, it is the Physiotherapy Day. So, like a loving, dutiful sister, sent an easy muscle relaxing trick by Dr. Mendel to my brothers. Also wished Aai's physio. In the process, I thought of setting a possible beat to physiotherapy exercises which are also muscle relaxing techniques basically. So all that jazz!

Well, yes, there is yet another reason why I thought of the title. Yes, it is the ninetieth birthday of Asha Bhosle. In my opinion, "Twist, twist, twist-n-turn, hold, twist,twist, twist-n-turn" best describes not only some of her zing songs, but her very zany personality and life, right? Sure, with all these celebs, we know just the carefully crafted persona, never the real person. Yet the ebullient youthful image she has in her nineties is fabulous, and fascinates me.

Asha's voice may not have the sweet gentleness, the delicate innocence, the lyrical purity, the perfect training that Lata's unbeatable "Sur" has. Yet it has its own unique charm. She is absolutely versatile. No "type" is untouchable to her. Sure Lata, too, has sung a "kaanta laga" for R.D. Burman, but the sensuous quality of the "Aaiye meherban" is so heady that it is, I think, the best oomph song of all times.

Yet this very "Helen of Bollywood singing" can touch the chords of solace and togetherness in "dukh aur sukh ke raste/bane he sabke vaste" version of"abhi na jao chodke". She can manage a bhajan, a kawwali, a ghazhal, an absolutely non-poetic, "mera kuch saman" or the great "do labzo ki". Twists, twists and turns her voice to create unique expressions as different as "dam maro dam" and "chanda mama dur ke".

Her life, too, of course as presented to us, has many, in fact, very many twists, twists and twists. Yet at every turn, she appears to emerge stronger. May be, she has a good P.R.! One would not know. Others have been dragged over coals for being clean and straightforward!

Well, it can surely be said that she lived life on her own terms and conditions, and managed to make it as she wanted it to be. Personally I am of the opinion though that there is no need to discuss details we hardly know. I would rather concentrate on her singing which sure has a new turn at every twist.

Here is wishing many more great songs to Ashaji even now as she chooses to re-invent herself at ninety as a model for a fashion show. Atta, Asha! Twist, zoom, turn, a Tarana Treat forever for us!

Pratima@ My favourite most Asha rendition, however, is her Marathi natyasangeet. Absolutely in a league of its own! No twists, no turns/ but the very soul it churns!

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