Thursday, November 11, 2021

Education, ahoy!

 The moment we think of a day related to education, we think of either the Guru Poornima or September 5, the day dedicated to teachers. Actually, today, too, is a very important day in the educational field. Wonder why? Let me explain, and in some detail.

Actually today happens to be the National Education Day of India. It is celebrated in the memory of independent India's first Education Minister, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad.  It is indeed very interesting to note that, of the three days related to education, two are tributes to two towering personalities. 

Education is indeed a vision that broadens our perspectives. Education teaches us how to develop a "thought-full" mindset of our very own. Such a thinking mind is not swayed by any conflicting ideologies. Such a mind, moreover, has a calibrating power that can see through all sorts of pretensions, lies and chicaneries. In the  much advertised/debated/discussed Post Truth World today, such a capacity is absolutely essential for the sanity of the very society.

Education, in brief, is not a degree. Neither is it a set syllabus that helps you acquire a given skill set. It is a way that makes us self reflexive about our own thought patterns, our own models of action, our very own modes and/or philosophies of life, or the lack thereof. A truly educated mind, hence, would never be opinionated, partial, hateful, demonising any contrarian idea(s). We have indeed a very long way to go in that direction. Hence the more days assigned to education, the meatier and the mightier, and as a result, the merrier!

Pratima@lead me from darkness to light, from untruth to truth, and from mortality to the immortal.

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