Wednesday, November 17, 2021

To ignore or...

 Remember that story By Aesop? The one about the old man, his son and their donkey? The human beings in this fable are stupider than their poor animal. The moral of the story is that one must absolutely ignore the fools who unnecessarily comment on you for no fault of yours because whatever you may do or do not do, however(well or otherwise) you may do the perceived action, the brainless creeps with truck loads of time and surely nothing else to do(or, may be, they are paid for their 'hard' - in all the senses of the term - work, so it is their piddly little source of any income at all) are forever going to yak away.

What kind of foul fools love to comment on others? What, and how,  must  be their psychopathology? Even Freud, too, would love to avoid them, I suppose. That precisely is the point. What exactly to do to stop their brainless blabber, their mindless blubber?  

In the world today, it is no use being Sant Eknath who bathed back so many times that the person throwing shit at him got finally tired. No, one is not exactly afraid of Corona in the process, but of the capricious cupidity of the cowards! Their cruelty would not know any bounds, especially if harassing is their source of income. 

At times one feels it is necessary to confront them because evil must not be allowed unhindered. The best bet, however, is locating the exact Master(without a)mind, and blasting him/her, however powerfool!

Pratima@Dogs would bark as an elephant passes by. Instead of wasting his energy on the curs, he walks on, while they go mad barking!That used to be the sage advice of Aai-Papa!

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