Saturday, November 13, 2021

Vicious Streaks

 In one's life, often one comes across people who are unnecessarily vicious. One would not have bothered them in any way at all. Yet they consciously choose to target one. They have a vicious streak, and sure it is  full of vicious tricks.

How to deal with such persona? The best alternative is to avoid them like the  Corona virus itself. Like it, they, too, are invisible, and hyper dangerous. Unlike the poor Corona virus, they are a gang, the mafiosi who love indulging in groupism. Eternally busy with scratching each other's back, they know within themselves that One needs to is alienated, and consciously. 

Why should though one be thus alienated at all? If they think of themselves as if they were the O'Brien of Orwell's '1894', the best way is to get away from their crushing of others viciously. I suppose, caring for your dreams that were nurtured by you and your loved ones would light up the path forever. Well, for the peace of one's own self, better to forget them forever, though the very goodness embedded in a balanced universe would see to it in its own just way that even they themselves would not be able to forgive themselves!Amen!

Pratima@ A person knowingly behaving viciously with one is actually howling that one shares the bottomless sadness within that vicious person!

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