Sunday, November 14, 2021

Children's Day:Lessons worth Learning

 November 14 in my opinion is a day when we should awaken yet again the lost Child in all of us. The obvious question then that emerges is what exactly is being a child. Clean curiosity, not the one that killed the cat, of course, is what the prime time called childhood allows us. As children are looking at the whole world with fresh eyes, they are most eager to know everything, they are ready to make mistakes in the process without any fear of failure or any sense of shame. To maintain that innocent, that is, free of any criminal/negative associations, curiosity in adulthood is the best step forward towards creativity.

Creativity is the only rulebook children know. Their thoughts, ideas, concepts are afresh with novelty. Absolutely nothing is jaded about them, neither the body, nor the mind, nor the soul. Hence all children are geniuses, though very few can carry that unique, special something in to the later life.

Similarly, children are so busy being and becoming that they have no time for being jealous, mean, nasty, cheap, and the list can go on infinitely. The very company of a child is hence such an energizing tonic that the whole real world cannot enfeeble you.

Yet another trait one must borrow from childhood is joy. They are eternally happy and joyful, forever bubbling with smiles and laughter. Softer than the silken touch is this gentle joy of theirs bursting from every pore of their being.

Their ability to love endlessly is infinite. A pet dog would be the only competitor they may have in this aspect. The parental ill-treatment, too, cannot coarsen them. They continue to be eternally affectionate, loving, and completely credulous. 

Nothing in this world is as totally elevating an experience as a child holding your finger in his small fist or a child fast asleep, nestling his neck against your shoulder,  with a total sense of security. That gentle touch, that unique body fragrance, that sudden angelic smile for no rhyme nor reason, that is heaven on earth.

Such panegyrics, absolutely deserved, can go on and on. Today is yet another reminder, an urgent wake-up call that these superb traits should continue lifelong. 

Pratima@child is indeed the father of man

1 comment:

  1. How do mistakes emerge after I have checked thrice? No mistakes then!some mischief!


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