Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Real Wealth

 On the Laxmi Poojan day, it is indeed a valid question to ask. What is wealth? Is it the show of money mean(ingless)ness as exhibited in abundance? Not really, in my opinion.

Creativity, I think, is the real wealth. During the festive season, it is abundantly visible in rangoli patterns. What a riot of designs, formations, colours, flower petals, with a diya in the centre to complete the feel! During Diwali, such an abundance of creative wealth is visible in paper lanterns as well. They literally compete with the lovely stars and the attractive fireworks up there in the sky.

Love, in my opinion, however is the real wealth. Neither death nor distance diminishes it. It continues as ever.

It includes the affection of our pets, especially dogs, I would say. What do we do for a dog? Not much except give him food bits. Many owners are soon irritated with the responsibility. Never does the dog disown the master though. He continues to love the very household.

Our pet's love for us keeps us in extremely elevated company such as Ulysses. When Ulysses returned to Ithaca, adventures battered and weather beaten, nobody could recognise him. Neither did Penelope who had to put up all sorts of ruses to remain his. The only two to recognise the real Ulysses, hidden beneath the shabby exterior, were his dog and his mother substitute, his nanny. The real sources of true love!

Pratima@genuine love is the real wealth!

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