Monday, November 8, 2021

Cassandra Cries

 During the Diwali, did you notice something? Actually, these days, it is a usual phenomenon, but one tends to notice it more during the festival. Wonder what I am referring to? Well, have you, too, noticed that these days, both in the public spaces and in the private spheres, there is a lot of goody-goody talk, but that is just the veneer, all gloss and no substance, just scratch a little and the entire rot is visible in the worst possible ways, and the ugliest details!

My submission today is that wor(l)ds are getting showoffs. People are living in mirror houses wherein they see and/or want to see infinite reflections and refractions of the self  through mirrors that are both convex and concave while being flat.

Even the so-called feel-good stories circulating ad infinitum on the social media are pogroms of one variety or the other. There is so much of demonization of the "other" , be it persons or ideologies, or whatever, that one wonders if most all people crave to live in echo chambers! A "differ-ence" is always 'deferred' because NOBODY, however much they pretend to be otherwise, is interested in "listening " , especially to a contrary opinion.

Mock, for example, of the most cruel, vicious, mean variety, most often carried out systematically, is being posed as 'fun'. In my opinion, all such varieties of narcissism are getting center staged because relationships are rotting under the garb of bonhomie. Relationships hence are fragile and febrile,and moribund as a result. Such relationship retardation is creating a society at the tether, not together; a society that is anti-social! Something is indeed rotten in the 'state' (in all senses of the term, psychological, political, financial, academic, name it and you have it), to quote the Prince of Denmark!

Pratima@endless are Cassandra cries!

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