Sunday, November 7, 2021

Awareness is All

 Now that the Diwali festival is over, we better get back to the mundane and rather rude reality. Undoubtedly, personally, the festival this year was  tragic for me, and our family, as Aai sadly succumbed to a heart attack in March, 2021.

Overall though, fervor was the feel of the festival as feelings fizz(l)ed out, bottled up as they were since March,  2020. Here is keeping fingers crossed while hoping that the dreaded disease does not stage a vicious comeback in the form of a feared third wave!

Why think of diseases post-Diwali? Is that your question? Well, there is a reason behind my attempt. Let me try and explain it. November 7 marks the birth anniversary of Marie Curie, one of my childhood heroines. Almost a century ago, despite every possible setback/handicap, and what have you, this two time Nobel Prize Winner in two different disciplines invented radium and polonium. This mother of the radioactive procedure was the ultimate saviour for millions of cancer patients whose number seems to increase by the day even in developing countries.

In a country like ours, for example, life style generated cancers affect citizens from all the societal strata. Let us take the example of smoking. In rural and/or poverty stricken citizenry, the habit of smoking with the burning tip of the bidi in the mouth is pretty common. It is as harmful as the triple five brand chain smoking. Drinks and/or doing drugs is yet another horrible habit common across age, sex, region, religion,language, class, creed kind of barriers. As a result, mouth, lung and stomach cancers are rampant in India.

Marie Curie showed us humane ways to overcome such human failings that lead to a kind of autoimmune rebellion by the body against the self. Here is wishing such truly dreadful habits die, and every patient survives with Dignity and Hope intact.

Pratima@no glass barriers can cage a genius!

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