Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Beginning anew!

 Our blog enters a new phase today.🥰It is already a year old🎂. As it thus progresses, let us now add to it visuality as well. 🤠

No, there would not any compromise content wise. In fact, there would be an attempt to make it equally, if not more, sensible and mature. Yet let us see if it could possibly be a vlog, a visually enriched blog, okay?

All of us born in the first half of the month of May, specifically from April 20 to May 20, are supposedly Taureans😀. Great company we share, beginning with "🥳THE🥳" Shakespeare.  Born creative, right?

Personally, I find such "sign"atures rather funny.🤡🤡🤡 Believe me though, in this twenty first century, in 2022, in the post-Covid era, despite the pandemic that none could predict, there are people who ask you your sun sign the moment you meet them. 

I find that quite crazy 🙄and rather frightening 😱 because it means they are going to gauge you as per some 'common quotient ' determinants. Without getting to know you, they are going to sit in judgement over you👩‍🎓. Indeed , tough and unjust proposition, would not you agree? Such 'Daniel come to judgement ' types, as our co-"sign"-ee, the great Will, would put it,  are better avoided! What say? Let me know both your response to "sign"scaping and the vlog avatar of our Blog!🤓

Pratima@ it is on, the new year and the new avatar, of our vlog!

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