Monday, May 9, 2022

A blog in the year of grief

 The title, so obviously a word play on the famous Marquez title, captures my elemental feelings and passion that initiated this blog exactly a year ago, that is, on May 9, 2021, the Mother's Day last year. It was started as a tribute to Aai, and, oh, yes, of course, to Papa. It was also a tributary to my unbearable grief then that sure needed a creative channelising.

Yes, I did not miss a single day or date. Stayed up late at night to fulfil a kind of promise to myself and to their memories. Often it literally used to be a case of "and the blog to type/before I sleep/and the blog to publish/ before I sleep". 

Managed 251 posts last year, May to December, 2021 and 129 posts till date this year. Not exactly a bad score, i would like to say. How about the readers, the doubting Thomases may ask, right? Well, in addition to the regular readers who read my wapp status and the attached blog everyday, there seem to be a few other anonymous readers as well. The last count of footfall is seven thousand three hundred twenty so far.

Not bad because it clearly proves that the 'private could easily be personal'. No, in the initial mourning year, i  did not use any visuals, though i may start now. Never ever was there any sentimental exhibitionism. And yet it was read regularly. Could that mean that indeed our blogs, too, are made of saddest thoughts well expressed, a combo of Shelley and Pope of all the poets. Both would sure forgive me, their ardent fan.

Yes, hereafter, i may open the blog to Google view, too. This okay-ish attempt has also encouraged me to soon start another blog dedicated to literature. Let us see! As far as this blog goes, a year later, i do have a deeply cathartic and yet a  very happy feel. Atta, my blog!

Pratima@"Write what should not be forgotten", as Isabel Allende would put it.

"Writing, to me, is thinking through my fingers," argues Issac Asimov. As ever, I would agree with him completely, as my blog is now a year old baby.  

 It never made me feel despair, and always helped me explore newer ways of being and becoming!

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