Thursday, May 5, 2022

Minimalis Maximalis

 This evening I was looking up a research video about the planet Pluto. The whole of it is indeed infinite. The distance between the earth and Pluto, the observer spaceship reaching the Plutonic orbit in five years, performing seamlessly at such a wide angle and wild distance, conducting all possible scientific analyses, video- shooting while orbiting the planet, the whole of it is a great tribute to human intelligence powered by a superb, fertile imagination.

Unbelievable was the further analysis of whether there would be water and possibly life on Pluto. Indirectly hence it was a re-vision of how life began here on earth. Well, I have completed online courses on ecology as well as anthropology. The kind of wonder I then felt paled in comparison with the feel this evening 

And then the famous quote by Stephen Hawking that can roughly be summarised as follows: human beings are slightly better and/or advanced monkeys on an ordinary earth that is revolving around an ordinary sun slowly dying out which anyway is a mere Lilliput-ian structure in this vast universe.

Well, vast, infinite, and yet human intellect and imagination, properly used, can precisely predict the very origin and the end thereof. It is a feel that is both humbling and energising simultaneously. 

In my mid-teens, I always used to tell myself that I am a girl in a small city in a state, in a country till one progressively and exponentially reached the solar system so as to keep oneself grounded. Now one knows the grandeur of it all.

Indeed smallest of the smallest and yet grand-est of the greatest, that is defining the human. No wonder, one loves the tribute to human beings in Sophocles' Antigone and Shakespeare's Hamlet. Minimalis Maximalis, in brief!

Pratima@in a speck of dust/dormant lie the mysteries of the stars as dust!

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