Saturday, May 7, 2022


 Spying is such a silly activity, right? Oh, yes, sure, I am NOT talking of the international arena. Even in that field, I believe, a talk between the parties concerned could avoid multiple miscommunications. Yet the contexts there are pretty complex. I would not hence much like to comment on that sphere.

In other fields, in interpersonal relationships, for instance, spying is downright ridiculous. If a person has decided to hide something from you, to begin with, that individual would have her/his reasons for it. Hence, come what may, the person would not reveal it anyways. In the process, the spies and their puppet masters would be shamed.

The best example of this universal truth is Hamlet. The hyper intelligent hurt Hamlet soon realises that everyone around him is a spy. The spy-rings around him include family and friends, mother and beloved, too, though they do not realise that they are being used, I suppose. 

The spying would have led to his death.The intelligent Hamlet guesses through it, and uses it to the disadvantage of his enemies. The best proof of how and why spying is absolutely useless, unless, of course, the spy and the power(s) behind such cheapest  cheapskate(s) love falling flat on face, like getting exposed!

No padmakers (the word has multiple layers of meanings), no raving-mad-tea's (oh, a Marathi name close to it!) can thus help any 'altu-faltu' atlee-baldies, however much they rat, scream, plot, lie, libel. Poor cheapo's, crooks all, wasting their anyways useless time and ill-gotten monies!

Pratima@spying, spying, yes, dung-o/ spreading lies, you whacko/wasting your non existent brain, ha, ha, ha!

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