Thursday, May 12, 2022

Work as Worship

 It is a typical argument these days that currently none cares for work. Work place is more a place for furthering self, of making the right contacts, of power games, of petty politicking, it is presumed.

It is such a pleasure to meet people who prove this worthless rule wrong. Possible to argue that even in this case, the exceptions prove the rule. For me what matters the most is that exceptions exist, however rare!

My own brothers (pleonasm absolutely out of pride, please) are the best examples of such exceptions. Often, my brother, he,  has no time for proper food at the right time, but he would carry on with his work. It is indeed sweet to see his doggie who keeps a vigil by him, wait for him, call him for lunch. The cute sight made my nephew's special day absolutely unique for me. MNC, for such a genuine employee, means My Natural/Normal Commitment, I suppose.

My other brother leaves his place as early as 5.30 a.m., drives some hundred and fifty kilometres in the morning rush so as to reach on time and start teaching at 8.30 sharp. Neither lashing rains nor hot summers deter him ever. For his son's marriage, he took hardly ten days' leave. Both my brothers are thus following in my dedicated father's footsteps, and I am extremely happy and proud to belong to such a family.

Then there is this colleague of mine. Actually she teaches a very dry,  quite theoretical subject. But she herself is always a fount of enthusiasm and energy. Be it conducting exams online for the first time or organising an arts fest in literally no time, she is always bang on her duty. There are not any presumptions nor irritations nor eternal complaints.  She would always be ready with an answer to every and any query. Silent, efficient, sincere work, duty done/performed most selflessly.

I have written this blog to celebrate such genuine people with whom it is indeed a pleasure to be associated. It must be remembered, I think, that institutions, whether MNC's or colleges/universities, survive successfully because of such genuine employees. A grand building or two, posh decor do not make a workplace. It is the quality of the people who are committed to their work that makes (or mars) a workplace. The worth of such passionate  people is priceless. They must be encouraged, cheered, congratulated. Hence this blog!

Pratima@The theme of the blog is so genuine that I did not at feel like using emojis. Ideally, the pics of such wonderful people need to adorn my blogpost. I have not taken their permission, for one thing, and, moreover, they are the sort who might even get embarassed with such a tribute that they undoubtedly, absolutely deserve! Atta, guys! Impressed with your sincerity!

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