Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Happy Brothers' Day

 Brothers are the best buddies in this world. But inevitable it is. You have shared with them the first formative years of your life. So it is not just the blood that flows through, courses constant in your veins that you share. It is the basic personality profiles that become the real matching genes actually, right?

In my opinion though, more than buddies, brothers are more of mini daddies. Remember Laertes' advice to Ophelia? Though not exactly as much  speechifying as the Shakespearean model, a brother   can pull you up  without uttering a word, with just a look, a curt glance that lets you know you have goofed up something somehow, the best mode of  bringing you back to the reality check(-n-mate), right?

In fact, often brothers do not need to talk to you. A loquacious bro, the life of any party, would sit with you in a room as if he is on the mute, and you are born deaf. And yet he perfectly understands what hurts you, would even extend a support you never even asked for. Subtly but surely, through his actions, he would side with you. Well, is not it a truism that actions speak louder than words?

Happy Brothers' Day to the real heroes in our lives who are the pillars that bolster the parlours of life. An affection that never is showy, a bond that never is heavy!

Pratima@ Brothers are like the ears and the  eyes. They help you walk straight down the narrow slippery path called life!

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