Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The enemy within

 The title may make you think that I am going to talk of some spiritual matter. Well, not really. I suppose though that my theme today might make that journey easier, too .

Yes, I am going to talk of 'high blood pressure'. It is indeed a physical condition, but it affects our entire being, and hence becoming. Hence the acute need to talk of it. 

Why do I  call it the enemy within? Well, once detected, it is forever going to be with you, even when under control. Why call it an enemy within? First and foremost, it is quite a Trojan horse, in brief, highly deceptive, and, next, completely destructive.

In fact, it is so harmful that it affects every centrally important organ within the human body. It can affect the kidneys, for instance. As kidneys begin to fail, the entire blood subtly but surely and swiftly  starts getting poisoned from within.

Much worse is the way it can affect eyes. It can diminish, even totally destroy, the eyesight, and much worse and more effectively than any gadget. 

This enemy within is so subtle that such horrific effects advance silently, but surely, and never slowly. The worst example of its total destruction is the way it can affect the heart and the head.

In fact, it is pumping of the blood flow from and to the heart, a natural and normal process that begins with the birth, goes         a-rhythmic which causes this horrific condition affecting the blood vessels that thicken, and may lead to an irregular blood flow, and hence finally a  heart attack.

This silent enemy hates the brain the most. It can diminish memory, for instance. It can cause hemorrage in the skull, leading to a build up of pressure within, with disastrous effects. It leads to a stroke, and a partial or total control over muscles, leading to a paralysis.

How to control it? As it is a life style disease, it is absolutely possible to contain it from within. The best buddy of oneself one has to be in such a situation. Once that happens, you eat proper, rest well, and so on.

Most importantly, as you are your own best buddy, you do not require any approvals from outside. You give every activity your best within the context, and to the fulfilling process leave the rest. The daunting disapprovals, the knowing ganging up, the vicious and conscious harassment, nothing affects you then.

Instead you find lot of 'me space' and 'me time' which makes you a better version of yourself by the day. The moment you start this journey of befriending yourself, the enemy within matters the least. 

So eat well, rest well, be yourself and to the eternal justice in-n-of this vast universe, leave the rest!

Pratima@Honest self assessment is the best medicine.

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