Friday, May 20, 2022

Divided but United

 Divided but United are the nations of the world right now.  Yes, human beings divide the world through 'imagined' border lines such as religion, race, not to forget the region. Why revise the other dividers such as caste, language, gender, class, notions that diversify the nation!

Yet in the post liberalised, 'glocal' world today, do such divisions matter really? On the contrary, so many versions of very many fusions have been manifest since the millennium began. Divided we stand, United we suffer seems to the new proverbial wisdom now.

Let me provide a few concrete examples to prove my point. Circa 2000, it was the computer virus, the doomed Y2K bug, which was to crash the internet the world over. Was not this the bug that began the exodus of average Indians, unlike the real 'brain drain' of the late sixties and early seventies?

Next circa 2008, it was the Lehmann crisis that rendered many in a homeless,eh, rather hopeless state. Then the Middle East erupted.  Was not  this the 'spring'  that made life world wide in to a desert?

Nothing could beat our dear friend Corona though. Literally overnight, Vision 2020 became Mission Vaccine in every Covid count(r)y. Whosoever could be the perpetrators, united the world was in suffering the pandemic.

Before we could properly chant 'go, Corona, go', the Afghan tragedy loomed large on the world horizon, proving yet again how United the states and nations of the world are, though divided by the very terrorism lurking behind such 'we versus they' vision.

While the world was just tottering out of the reeling aftermath of the Taliban takeover, here we are already facing the shock waves every which way released by the Ukraine war, not to forget the Sri Lankan crisis.  Indeed united we lose, whatever possibly could be the mode, the method, the materials of the division!

Pratima@"Turning and turning in a widening gyre/ the falcon cannot hear the falconer/things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;/Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world" as W.B.Yeats would put it.

Are we already back in/to the early years of the last century which W.B.Yeats thus described? Have we made it to the past without a time machine, too?!?

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