Yet another about to rage fiercely storm, with lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing, would be the nature of the possible format of the imminent UG and PG examinations. To write proper analytical answers or to mcq, that is the question!
Apparently, many students want the online mcq exam format because the current semester would be of just two months. When I read/heard this argument, literally there were tears of a huge laughter in my eyes because I remembered the attendance record of students pre-Corona times when there used to be full fledged, full scale semesters.
In most leading colleges, the morning 7.30 lectures would be just one or two in an entire huge building. My 7.30 Eng Special lecture, attended by 75% of the student population, would often not have a companion in an entire big building! Actually, every room had an assigned lecture as per the time table!
Everywhere, in each and every college, that used to be the same, sad story that would continue till the daily lectures ended at about 11.30! There was no Corona scare, regular full term studies used to be conducted. But students would be scarce. In a leading Univ PG class, since 20 out of 30 students would attend my lectures meant they liked me, said the Head, confessing further that not even ten students attended her own lectures.
In other words, whether the semester lasts six months or two months, students hardly attend lectures. Look at the online lectures, for instance. When the teachers used to teach online, via the Meet or Teams mode, they were literally in the students' study room or study corner in the house, right? Even then the attendance used to be very low.
In brief, most students never study throughout the six months of the semester. Most of them mug up 'guides', now available online, too, technology, 'jai ho', and, unfortunately, even if they mug up the night before the exam, they manage to get wonderful marks. Nobody, almost nobody, fails, as even the establishment, too, wants most all to pass, by either hook or crook.
Well, the bloated 'everybody above 95%' kind of marks are not going to land them jobs as the job market is acutely wary of the quality of the Covid batches. Moreover, dictating the universities to conduct an exam in the student preferred way/mode is a serious encroachment on, grievous infringement of the University rights as per the University mandate.
In brief, even now there is time. The UG/PG students should improve their writing practice, and choose the offline exam like the tenth/S.S.C and twelfth/H.S.C. students did. In that lies their own good, their own better futures! Zindagi such much me nahi milegi dobara!
Pratima@ Students of colleges and universities, unite and attend lectures, you have nothing to lose except ignorance!
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