Saturday, May 28, 2022

Learn (a)new!

 Currently learning is more of a process of unlearning or de-learning, and re-learning. The major cause behind this "make it (a)new" process is, of course, the technology which is literally changing by the day. Well, when technology changes, it changes the very paradigm of thinking, of being and of becoming.

Change has always been inevitable. Now, however, it has a quicksilver quality! Look at the media, for example. In a country like ours, for seven to eight decades in the last century, it was only the radio and the newspapers, with films as a game-changer at times. The t.v. set, the record player, the tape recorder were quite some novelty even in the mid-eighties. 

Come 1990's, and the whole paradigm changed, and not merely economically. If my parents' generation knew only an Amin Sayani who was an entertainer, my nephews' generation knows standup comedians to very effective influencers who come from unthinkable places, unknown backgrounds and unheard-of contexts as now a multimedia mobile can make you the 'most subscribed', and the most influential.

The flip side is double. On the one hand, so much is the explosion of information and opinion makers that it is mere  "sound and fury" which you have to sift most carefully so that you do not waste your energy on time-pass "signifying nothing." Yet another, and rather tragic, consequence is that celebrities are dime a dozen, and forgotten within a month, if not earlier!

Tough times that make you learn every thing anew! During such revivals of  de-learning and re-learning, there is a deep need for standing firm as per tried and tested  values and principles so that change does not carry us away like the huge tsunami!

Pratima@ We can never stop learning coz technology never stops teaching us how to go on living!

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