Monday, May 30, 2022

Fine forever?

 The applied version of psychology thrown at us everywhere, in newspapers, magazines, on the internet has one in thing in common, however different the medium may be. Wanna know that LCD? 

That lowest common denominator is the "be happy" mantra. True, indeed given the dismal contexts today, it is not only important, and enough, to be happy, but also to consciously make efforts to be happy. Undoubtedly!

What worries, harries, even irritates me is the compulsion therein, the need to be 'fine forever'. In my opinion, such rigidity may make it big business for certain people selling the various merchandise for such a state , but such a bazzar, such a market makes happiness cheap, nay, impossible.

For one thing, it may make happiness an external, an object-oriented, obsession, while happiness is actually a contentment generating internalised process. Happiness can never be a product. 

As a process, it could go wrong, it may at times, miss the mark, but the passionate pursuit never stops. In the process, happiness may actually result in unhappiness as per the individual involved and the context concerned, too, which is absolutely acceptable as a stage.  Hence my objection to the " be happy" dead end, a road to nowhere, not "fine", but 'fine', very difficult, nay, impossible, to pay!

Pratima@The only thing that can make you happy is being happy with you as you are, as Goldie Hawn puts it.

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